- The property is located 20km from Port Alberni, BC.
- Accessible year round with 2 wheel drive in most areas.
- As the property is at a lower elevation we generally only have snow for 2 weeks per year, so work can be completed year round.
- The property covers several dozen sulphide occurrences including massive sulphide lenses, sulphide quartz veins and quartz-carbonate-sulphide-gold veins.
- No work has been completed in 50 years on this property other than sampling in 2023 and current sampling and prospecting in 2025.
- No modern geophysical, geological or drilling has ever been completed.
- New logging and roads provide better access than 50 years ago.
- Initital XRFs in 2023 up to 0.95% cobalt and 15.42% copper.
- Historic assays from 1930s suggest up to 2.8oz/ton gold found in samples, including a one tonne bulk sample at 17g/ton gold. None of these areas have been retained sampled to date.
- Property could use prospecting in hard to reach areas, locating all old workings and veins and properly sampling. Old reports suggest at least 7 adits and many trenches. Property needs geological mapping, geophysical (mag, gravity, lidar, ect.), trenching and drilling.
Warning — This property is offered for mining purposes only and ownership of the title to it does not include ownership of the surface rights or the right to use the surface for residential or recreational purposes.
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